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Winter Plant Care Tips

Expert Jerry Rosalia provides some helpful insight on how to care for plants during the winter.

Jerry Rosalia

Jan 06, 2014

Caring for plants year round is important to ensure they live a long and prosperous life. During the cold months, winter plant care can be a bit more difficult. Below, I've provided some helpful winter plant care tips to get your green friends through the cold season. content/uploads///dracaena floor plant winter care z x

Caring for large plants during winter months

Large house plants do well if you keep them clean. Do this by gently wiping their leaves of grime and dust. Doing this twice a year helps the plant grow and breathe.

While rinsing, be on guard for scale, mealybugs, and spider mites. Mealybugs look like little specks of cotton. If you still see mealybugs after rinsing, spray the plant with an insecticidal soap.

In cold climates, keep plants away from or against windows, and away from heat sources. Poinsettias like moist soil, but make sure to not over water and drown them. content/uploads///Holiday traditions poinsettia

Winter care for poinsettias

Poinsettias are on sale almost everywhere you shop during the holiday season. Before purchasing them, make sure you inspect them for white flies or eggs, as these can go airborne and infest other plants in your home.

The onset of winter means less daylight is available. During this time of year, most house plants are semi-dormant, so it's important to cut down on the watering. It's also best to not fertilize until early spring. Southern states may be a little different depending on how hot the temperatures are during the winter months.

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